Saturday, September 24, 2011

ardea’s Expo Exhibition Shows Life Centered On Art

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Posted: Thursday, June 16, 2011 1:15 pm
    As a young child, Raymundo Gardea worked shining shoes on the busy streets of downtown Los Angeles. In his shoeshine box, though, he carried something even more important than his tools — colored chalk.
    With these different colored pieces of chalk, Gardea said he would unleash his creativity.
    “Whenever I wasn’t shining shoes, I would draw whatever I would see — cars, people, anything,” he said.
    As an adult, Gardea tried many different jobs, but said that he was never happy unless he was either painting or drawing. So, he said he decided to pursue his passion and became a professional artist.
    Now, Gardea, whose training consists of several classes at a community college, sells paintings that are worth thousands and is one of three artists featured at the EXPO Arts Center this month. He said that his art style is to paint “anything and everything,” and his diverse collection at the Gallery Expo illustrates his diverse interests.
    One of Gardea’s main pieces featured in this show is “Dawn’s Early Light,” which is a painting of the Twin Towers in New York City. As a survivor of 9-11, he said that he painted the piece as an homage to those who died that day.
    From 6 to 8 p.m. on Saturday, June 18, the Gallery Expo, 4321 Atlantic Ave., will host an artists’ reception featuring live music, snacks and no-host donation bar. The reception will introduce visitors to the artwork of Gardea, Kellie Walker and Robert Wolfe.
    Walker, a self-taught artist, said she’s been an artist for more than 30 years, and learned her art from her mother, who also is an artist. Although she’s been in the art world all her life, Walker said she’s only focused on developing her art in the past five years.
    At the Gallery Expo, she is showcasing her abstract art — art that she creates while also raising her four young children, who sometimes imitate her.
    “I paint during the day, but, I’m a mother first and foremost,” Walker said.
    To create her art, Walker said that she uses a palette knife and loves to layer on thick paint to add “luminosity and severe depth.”
    This is the first time that Walker’s art will be showcased in a gallery.
    Wolfe is an 82-year-old watercolor artist from Los Angeles, and his art depicts the California lifestyle and “explodes with bright colors and brilliant reflections that mesmerize the viewer.”
    Wolfe said he admires the art of Norman Rockwell and with his art he aims to show America and “life as it happens.”

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